Jan 7, 2009


Jordan Green from Yes! Weekly has a new article called "People Power" CLICKHERE or click on the title above, which talks about the upcoming meeting at the Greensboro City Council in regards to giving the right to a Protest Petition in zoning cases back to the citizens of Greensboro. Remember that every city in this state abides by Protest Petition but not Greensboro . It is not fair to Greensboro residents in this regards but to hear Greensboro City Council member say this in the article

" Echoing TREBIC’s argument, at-large Councilman Robbie Perkins predicted the protest petition will fail to gain the council’s support.

After looking at what’s on the books at the state, if I were voting on that particular piece of legislation today, I couldn’t support it,” said Perkins, who is president of NAI Piedmont Triad, which advertises itself as the largest full-service, privately owned real estate services firm in the Triad. The company holds a “silver” membership in TREBIC. "

Then Marlene Sanford from the Triad Real Estate and Building Industry Coalition had this to say, "President Marlene Sanford, whose organization provides government advocacy to Guilford County trade associations and businesses, said members feel “very strongly” about preventing the restoration of the protest petition. “It’s an antiquated policy and it needs to be done away with statewide,”

As you can see the special interest group want to deny you the citizen of Greensboro the right to a Protest Petition but keep in mind that if you were in any city all over this great state then if you had a zoning case in front of a City Council and wanted to use the Protest Petition you could do that. Just on principal this is a total injustice to you as a Greensboro citizen.

In this article Robbie Perkins had this to say"It’s an antiquated statute that’s been out of date for some time, so we shouldn’t jump on the bandwagon just because everyone else has.” This is not jumping on the bandwagon this bandwagon has been available to citizens of this state for a very long time , here is what is antiquated the exemption of Greensboro from this statute.

But let's look at the other side of coin and in the article Donna Newton from the Greensboro Neighborhood Congress is quoted as saying this, "Our position is that this is a right and recourse that has been taken from the residents of Greensboro,” said Donna Newton, advisor to the congress, “while the whole rest of the state continues to have the right. And we want it reinstated.”

Also in the article and we have a post here on the upcoming meeting, "The protest petition has also received formal support from the 112-member League of Women Voters of the Piedmont Triad". The League of Women Voters has been on board this issue since the beginning and would like you to come and hear David Owens from the UNC School of Government speak next week on Protest Petitions, CLICKHERE for details.

The best part of the article is to hear this"Should the council vote down the protest petition, the NC General Assembly can still pass legislation to restore it without a formal request from council. NC Rep. Pricey Harrison, a Guilford County Democrat, has promised to introduce such legislation when the General Assembly reconvenes later this month. " All along this has been a state issue from the beginning to help and remedy a total injustice to the citizens of Greensboro.

Read the article or pick it up at a newstand in the Triad.

The time is now to write your Greensboro City Council members and let them know you want Protest Petitions Back in Greensboro.All you need to do is go to the left hand side of this blog and click on Greensboro City Council e-mail center. While you are at please e-mail the State representatives from Guilford County on bringing back Protest Petitions to Greensboro.

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