May 5, 2009

First Protest Petition for Greensboro in 37 Years Has Been Continued

The first Protest Petition in the City of Greensboro in over 37 years has been continued till the next Greensboro City Council meeting for June 2, 2009. Items #11 and #12

11. Resolution authorizing amendment to future land use map of the Lindley Park
Neighborhood Plan. (roll call vote) (Attachment #11 (CP-09-01) to Council

12. Ordinance rezoning from CD-RM-26 (Conditional District-Residential-
Multifamily) and RM-18 (Residential-Multifamily) to CD-PDI (Conditional
District-Planning Unit Development Infill) for property located at the northwest
corner of Spring Garden Street and South Elam Avenue. (roll call vote)
(Attachment #12 (PL(Z)09-08) to Council members)

Since the Protest Petition has been brought back to Greensboro we have seen a withdrawal of a case with Protest Petition and now we have seen a continuance of a zoning case with Protest Petition. It is amazing to comprehend that this denial of State law to the citizens of Greensboro for such a long period of time could have been used in plenty of other cases over the years.

There are informal and formal aspects of having Protest Petition as State Law and with the Lindley Park Neighborhood you have seen the informal part of Protest Petition with this continuance. Time will tell if they will still need to use the formal aspect of this law and have the Greensboro City Council vote on the matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes!!!! So happy to see this at long last. I hope these people remember who worked to get this for them. BB