On May 15, 2012 the Greensboro City Council had a new agenda item for a rezoning case with a valid Protest Petition added to the agenda. Below is the item in front of council.
24. Ordinance rezoning from R-3 (Residential-Single Family) to CD-RM-18 (Conditional District – Residential Multi Family) property located at 2823 Randleman Road, generally described as east of Randleman Road and north of Apple Ridge Court.
(Council District: 1) (roll call vote) (Attachment #24 (PL(Z) 12-04).
It was amazing to see the whole Greensboro City Council along with the Zoning Commission and also the Greensboro City staff all said that this did not fit in with the area. They voted 9-0 to DENY the rezoning. This site plan next to a residential neighborhood was a no brainer to vote for a denial on this rezoning it is hard to see that with no from zoning and staff that they would appeal to the Greensboro City Council but the applicant did just that to his detriment. This was a win for the neighborhood and good to see the Protest Petition used .
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