Jun 20, 2008

Coalition Members speaking to Greensboro City Council on June 17, 2008

The Coalition of Concerned Citizens of the Triad went to the Greensboro City Council on June 17, 2008 to make the case for bringing back Protest Petitions to the citizens of Greensboro.

During the speakers from the floor section of the Greensboro City Council meeting, Keith Brown and Colin Kelly spoke for 3 minutes a piece. It is hard to get what you want to say in 3 minutes but below is the transcript of Keith Brown's speech, we will post Colin Kelly's speech in a future post.. Also if you would like to see the video of the Greensboro City Council meeting then jump to #4. Click below

greensboro city council video

If you see the video of the meeting it was interesting to see the faces of the City Council during the times when quotes from certain city council members were made during the speech. In one instance Mr. Barber is quoted as saying he wants Greensboro to be consistent with the State of North Carolina on General Statutes. Then in the speech as Mr. Barber looked at me , I said to the effect we need to be consistent on Protest Petitions too. In the video it cut to Mr. Barber and he was shaking his head. It looked like he was saying to the people no, but in clarification from Mr. Barber he was shaking his head as though did I say that.Just look at the video and make up your own minds.

In another part of the video you can see Mr. Matheny not even look up at all when he was quoted. The reaction from the Greensboro City Council to Protest Petitions remains to be seen. The silence still shows.

One of the best parts of the night came from leaving the podium and seeing the reaction from the King of all Zoning cases in Greensboro Lawyer Henry Isaacson. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that back in 1971 Lawyer Henry Isaacson had a part in secretly jamming this bill for the exemption of Greensboro on Protest Petitions. Mr. Isaacson had this mean look on his face along with him shaking his head back and forth.The reaction of Mr. Isaacson to us speaking about Protest Petitions in Greensboro shows us that this right given to all citizens of North Carolina and a secretly jammed bill through the the legislature should have never taken place.Also, in the past 37 years which local lawyer benefitted the most from this exemption , survey says Henry Isaacson.

It would be great to really find out just how this exemption took place and how it got secretly placed on the legislative agenda without letting the citizens of Greensboro have any say whatsoever.

Keith Brown Transcript from Greensboro City Council Meeting on June 17, 2008.

Greensboro City Council June 17, 2008 on protest petitions

* Keith Brown 3728 Pembroke Terrace High Point N.C.

* Madam Mayor, City Council Members, City Manager

* As a member of the Coalition of Concerned Citizens we want to take this opportunity to talk to you about a total injustice to the citizens of Greensboro

*There are laws empowering or directing local governments to act under state control. These are called North Carolina general statutes

*Back in 1971, the powers to be at the local level of Greensboro exempted themselves from North Carolina General Statute 160a-385 and 386. This statute is called “protest Petition”.

*This exemption should have never taken place

*As you can see in your handout highlighted
Professor Owens from unc school of government states and i QUOTE, “The provision in North Carolina Zoning law for a PRotest Petition g.s. 160a385 and 386 is mandatory for cities”.

Mr. Matheny on may 7 2008 you said that research from David Owens and David Lawrence are experts in their field.

If these professors are considered experts in their field than I hope you and the rest of the city council will take what professor owens said in that protest petitions are mandatory for all cities in north carolina

in the past 4 months there has been much written as to how and why greensboro was exempted from this law.

another handout you have in front of you was written by Jordan green from yes weekly he wrote an excellent article on february 12 2008 called a rezoning chronicle: how greensboro lost the protest petition, i urge you to please read it.

This article and numerous questionable zoning cases in greensboro has brought the idea of bringing back protest petitions to greensboro.

Our neighborhood in high point had the opportunity to use the protest petition twice on the same property being rezoned off of highway 68 against a major triad developer.

* I am certain the citizen of greensboro
would also like to have this
tool as their voice against
encroaching development

It is not fair that every other city in this state abides by protest petitions but greensboro is exempted from this north carolina general statute, this makes no sense.

also on may 7 2008 mr barber said the following, greensboro needs to come in line and be consistent with virtually every jurisdiction in the state of north carolina.

I hope mr barber you feel the same about being consistent with protest petitions for greensboro

To hear gary rogers from the triad real estate building industry coalition “trebic” say that greensboro back in 1971 had the foresight to exempt themseves from this statute is condescending to the citizens of greensboro.

no, mr. rogers it was not foresight, it was an effort to take away a right of the citizens of greensboro to use the petition power against unwanted rezoning development in established neighborhoods.

State senator phil berger wants to know where the greensboro city council stands on protest petitions and i am sure plenty of greensboro citizens want to know too.

I urge the greensboro city council to support a bill to make greensboro comply with protest petitions like every other city in this state does.

If you want to see all the information on this issue please go to yahoo.com and type in protest petition greensboro

Thank you very much

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